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I am a small home breeder that absolutely loves animals.  I believe I was pet deprived as a young girl LOL... Daddy didn't want pets, especially inside pets.  I would bring home every animal I came across and of course, daddy would say I couldn't keep them.  We had a lot of feral cats and I was the girl that would use my socks as gloves to catch them.  I actually caught one and within a week I had him pretty tamed.  Daddy was so impressed that he let me keep him.  I didn't really get my first inside dog until I graduated in the 8th. grade and I was able to convince daddy into another a year later.  Those were my babies. I couldn't wait to move out on my own so I could get more.  As time passed and I got older, I moved out got married, and had babies of my own.  I did manage to get a couple more pups before the passing of my two.  The couple turned into another and another.  I was asked if I had ever thought about breeding.  I did my research and even checked into being a vet.  Unfortunately, with working and raising my own babies it didn't work out for me to be a vet.  I do regret not pushing that a little bit more because I hate seeing animals hurt and wished I knew what to do for them.  Anyway, I did start breeding for a few years until my babies got too old to breed, and had them fixed.  A few more years went by and I had several people asking if I would ever breed again.  Well, here we are.  My kids are grown and I have 2 precious grandbabies so now I raise dogs full-time.  I have learned a lot through the years working with my vet so there are things I can do for my little ones, but still regret I didn't go back to school.  My pups are my family.  We have kennels built for the bigger dogs with electricity so they are not out in the heat/cold.  The majority of the littles are in the house and oh boy is that a task... LOL, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I am still that little girl that brings home animals that I find on the side of the road as well. 

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